
中国古代价值律的重构及其现代意义〔上〕 被引量:18

Reconstruction and the Modern Significance of the Value Classification in Chinese Ancientry
摘要 From the axiological point of view, the Confucian Tao of Zhong can be interpreted as Golden Rule (do unto others as you like them do unto you), and Tao of Shu as Silver Rule (not do unto others as you do not like them do unto you). They are two different, yet correctional demands for morality. Apart from moral rules, some thinkers like Mozi in the pre Qin times, proposed Brazen Rule (do unto others as they do unto you). The Brazen Rule in itself is non moral; it was nevertheless used to explain how the calculus of individual interests could lie the moral foundation for a society. The calculations under the Brazen Rule are threatened by Iron Rule (don unto others as you like before they do it unto you). One of the intentions of the Legalist politics was to let Iron Rule ineffective in order to guarantee the validity of Brazen Rule. From the axiological point of view, the Confucian Tao of Zhong can be interpreted as Golden Rule (do unto others as you like them do unto you), and Tao of Shu as Silver Rule (not do unto others as you do not like them do unto you). They are two different, yet correctional demands for morality. Apart from moral rules, some thinkers like Mozi in the pre Qin times, proposed Brazen Rule (do unto others as they do unto you). The Brazen Rule in itself is non moral; it was nevertheless used to explain how the calculus of individual interests could lie the moral foundation for a society. The calculations under the Brazen Rule are threatened by Iron Rule (don unto others as you like before they do it unto you). One of the intentions of the Legalist politics was to let Iron Rule ineffective in order to guarantee the validity of Brazen Rule. $$$$
作者 赵敦华
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期17-23,共7页 Philosophical Research
  • 相关文献


  • 1.《圣经》[M].南京:中国基督教协会,1998.第2-3页.
  • 2《理想国》(柏拉图)
  • 3《尼各马科伦理学》(亚里士多德)
  • 4.《论语》[M].,..
  • 5.《中庸》[M].,..
  • 6.《墨子》[M].,..
  • 7《商君书》.
  • 8.《管子》[M].,..
  • 9.《韩非子》[M].,..
  • 10Rawls, John, 1972, A Theory of Justice, Oxford University Press.











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