Let Γ be a upper semilattice. To each λ∈Γ we assign a positive lattice-orderedsemigroup with the least element e_λ such that for λ≠μ,S_λ and S_μ are disjoint, we denoted it byS=U λ∈Γ S_λ. We define an opration '。' in S as follows: If a∈S_λ, b∈S_μ, and λ=μ, then the opera-tion in S is the same as in S_λ, otherwise a?b=b?a={a if λ>μ b if λ<μ e_γ if λ‖μ and γ=λ?μThen we have Theorem I. S=Uλ∈Γ S_λ about multiplication '。' is a semigroup. We call S as lattice-orderedsum of {s_λ}_(λ∈Γ). It is an extension of orderial sum about total order semigroups in [1, 2]. Theorem 2. Define an ordering relation '≤' in S as follows: if λ=μ,the ordering relatio-nis the same as in S_λ; if λ<μ, then put a≤b. then S is a lattice-ordered semigroup about '≤' in other parts,we give some properties of lattice-ordered sum.
lattice -ordered semigroup
lattice-ordered sum
lattice-ordered irreducible