人的大部分生活、生产劳动 ,常用的姿势基本是站或坐。身体的主要重量是通过身体中部直接或经下肢传至支撑面 ,并由支撑面将反作用力通过身体中部传递或分散 ,身体中部起着承上启下的重要作用。正常人一生中站姿或坐姿时 ,身体的总负荷量最大。在健身锻炼时 ,对身体中部的锻炼应和身体其他部位或系统得到同样的重视。介绍了练习身体中部柔韧性、灵活性的基本方法。
The basic positions a person normally takes up in most of his/her life are sitting and standing,where the body weight is passed on to the supporting plane directly through the middle part of the body or the legs,and the supporting plane in turn transmits or disperses the counterforce,again via the middle part.In this way the middle part serves as a connecting link.Normally,the middle part bears the heaviest load in a person's life,whether in a standing position or in a sitting one.Consequently,exercising this part merits the same amount of attention as that of exercising other parts or systems.Also,the article introduces some basic methods of building strength for increasing the flexibility of the middle part.
Journal of Shandong Sport University