《旧唐书·经籍志》因无善本传世 ,今人亦未及作专门的整理 ,故通行本文字讹脱颇多。本文从新、旧二志的同源关系出发 ,主要采用二志比勘的方法 ,同时参考《隋志》等书目著录、史传记载、古书称引等 ,对《旧志》著录的书名讹误进行考辨 ,凡二十二条。
Since the jiutangshu, jingjizhi doesn`t have any good edition in the world, and no people of nowadays have ever done any special and important collation about the whole book, there are many errors in it's general edition. The research of this article sets about from the study of the same origin of Jiuzhi and Xinzhi,mostly uses the way of collating Jiuzhi and Xinzhi, and at the same time consults the records in bibliothecas such as Suizhi, the recordation of history biographies, the citations of ancient books. It checks and corrects for the errors of the titles of the books Jiuzhi records, gets twenty two items aggregately.
Journal of Ancient Books Collation and Studies