黄河南侵夺淮后 ,下河地区始受水患。本文主要以清官书、档案、方志等基本史料为依据 ,对发生在康熙和乾隆朝的围绕下河地区水患问题的两场争论进行了论述和分析 ,并指出清前期的治河方案决策开始时受用人思想、地区利益、朋党之争等多种因素的综合影响 ,后来转变为以技术为主要的影响因素。
After the floods in the lower reaches of the Yellow River inundated the Huai River basin, the Xiahe area suffered from frequent flooding. Based on an analysis of historical documents, including official books, archives of Qing dynasty, and local gazetteers, this paper discusses two debates about flooding in the Xiahe area in the Kangxi and Qianlong reigns. The article finds that during the earlier debate government's decisions were influenced by such factors as the idea of employing persons, local interests, and infighting among political cliques. Only during the later debate were technological factors paramount.
The Qing History Journal