“企业信息化,为明天作投资”──Exact Software推出系列活动
Shanghai Computer Weekly
1Schreyer W and Scifert F. Compatibility relations of the aluminum silicates in the systems MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - H2O and K2O - MgO -A12O3- SiO2- H2O at high pressures[J]. American J. of Science,1969,267 : 371 - 388.
2Schreyer W, White S. Whiteschist, a new type of metamorphic rock formed at high pressures[J]. Geologische Rundshau, 1974, 63:599 --600.
3Schreyer W. Whiteschist: their compositions and pressure - temperature regimes based on experimental, field, and petrographic evidence[J]. Tectonophysics, 1977, 43:127 - 144.
4Liu J and Liou J G. Kyanite anthophyllitemschim and southwest extension of the Dabie mountain ultrahigh to high pressure belt[J]. The Island Arc. 1995,4(4): 334-337.
5Kamineni D C. Metasedimentary cordierrite - gedrite rocks of Archean age near Yellownife, Canada[J]. Precambrian Research, 1979, 9:289 - 301.
1陈."企业信息化,为明天作投资"--Exact Software推出系列活动 "企业信息化,为明天作投资"--Exact Software推出系列活动 “企业信息化,为明天作投资”——Exact Software推出系列活动[J].计算机,2002(17):5-5.
2Exact Software在2001年显示出强劲的利润及收入增长[J].计算机,2002(9):29-29.
6白云川,郭小燕.精诚合作 共同推动CAE的发展——访MSC Software公司CTO Reza S Sadeghi博士[J].中国制造业信息化(应用版),2007(8):58-59.
8服务提升价值——易科软件(Exact Software)的技术服务概述[J].计算机,2002(23):38-38.
9白云川.与渠道商实现共赢——访Siemens PLM Software公司大中华区执行副总裁寿宇澄[J].中国制造业信息化(应用版),2008(3):45-45.
10艾司科(EskoArtwork)收购Gradual Software公司[J].今日印刷,2008(4):94-94.