Shanghai Computer Weekly
1 Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz. Swarm smarts[J]. Scientific American, 2000,282(3) : 72-79.
2 Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Maniezzo, Alberto Colorni.The ant system. Optimization by a colony of cooperation agents [J]. IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B,1996,26(1) :1-13.
1 李民.刻录机有望成为标配[J] .计算机,2001(31):34-34.
2 高速刻录的保护神——第二代Smart Bum防刻死技术[J] .电子测试,2003(2):64-64.
3 啄木鸟DH1210刻录机[J] .计算机与网络,2001,0(12):3-3.
4 f1098.让所有用户都能使用刻录功能[J] .网友世界,2008(20):37-37.
5 武文.CD-ROM BURN[J] .桌面出版与设计,1996(2):64-65.
6 Cheng Gang.WHAT GAVE THUBTEN PALDEN THE IDEA TO BURN HIMSELF?[J] .China's Tibet,2013,24(4):22-25.
7 吴敌.全面升级 BenQ DW1680/DW1800[J] .个人电脑,2007,13(1):40-41.
8 史金飞,张晓玲,钟秉林,毛善锋,黄仁,田小平.On-Line Identification of Grinding Burn and Wheel Wear Based on Grinding Chips Thermal Flow[J] .Journal of Southeast University(English Edition),1996,12(2):38-42.
9 Icecut.光雕利刃BenQ DW1655[J] .个人电脑,2006,12(4):37-37.
10 陈鹏.接近完美[J] .电脑时空,2007(3):40-40.