本文试图从非诉行政执行案件的合法性审查的必要性入手,结合有关法律、法规、司法解释的规定,探讨对非诉行政执行案件进行合法性审查的机关、审查的方式、审查的内容以及审查后处理,目的在于阐明:人民法院 进一步强化对非诉行政执行案件的合法性审查,加强规范化管理,以推动人民法院对行政机关的具体行政行为进行有效的司法监督,进而促进行政机关依法行政。
In the article,the author attempts to begin with necessity of the legal examination of non-contentious administratively executed cases,then discusses the examination organ,examination form,examination content,and the settlement after the examination in the light of the stipulation of relevant laws and regulations as well as the judicial interpretations.The purpose of the discussion is to clarify that people's court should further strengthen its legal examination for the non-contentious administration, push forward the effective judicial supervision of people's court toward the concrete administrative acts of the administrative organs,and thus promote the legal administration of the administrative organs.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University:SOC.SCI.