There are different division schemes for the Paleogene Neogene System in the Dingyuan Mingguang area ,Anhui.In this paper the strata are classified into the Paleogene Dingyuan Formation and Mingguang Formation,the Neogene Xiacaowan Formation and Guiwu Formation from below based on stratigraphic profile measurement,1:50000 scale geological mapping by using structure-lithology-lithofacies method,systematic collection of samples for ESR dating as well as regional correlation. The Paleogene Neogene sediments in the area mainly consist of terrestrial facies of red molasse and volcanics formation.The analysis of red molasse formation indicates that it formed in alluvial fan ,fluvial and lacustrine environment and the clasts are sourced from the slightly metamorphic rocks of the Yangtze stratigraphic province in east and from the metamorphic and unmetamorphic rocks of the North China stratigraphic province in west.The terrestrial facies of volcanic eruptive rock formed in the active environment of land margin during the most active period of volcano in the area.The basins are of migration and skip-like rift faulting ones.According to basinal filling deposition series four sequences(2 second-grade and 2 third-grade sequences)are divided,of which sequenceⅠ and sequence Ⅳ are incomplete,both sequence Ⅱ and sequence Ⅲ consist of three basic units such as lowstand system tract,expanding system tract and contraction system tract.The sequence interfaces include regional tectonic movement one and basinal tectonic stress transform one(system tract transform one).
Geology of Anhui
Paleogene Neogene
stratigraphic features
sedimentary facies features
sequence stratigraphic analysis
Dingyuan-Mingguang area