维和行动在最近 10多年中的发展显著增强了在维和行动中适用武装冲突法的必要性。但是 ,适用武装冲突法不应改变维和行动的性质和基本原则。为了在维和行动中正确地适用武装冲突法 ,第一 ,要在性质上把维和行动与强制和平行动区别开来 ,继续坚持维和行动的三项基本原则 ;第二 ,要明确维和行动适用武装冲突法与交战行为适用武装冲突法的不同 。
The observance of Armed Conflict Law in peacekeeping operations becomes more necessary than before for the development of peacekeeping operation in the last decade. However, the nature and the fundamental principles of peacekeeping operation should not be changed because of its observance of Armed Conflict Law. In order to observe the Armed Conflict Law correctly in peacekeeping operations, the two things below should be considered. First, peacekeeping operation should be distinguished from the peace enforcement, and still adhere to the three fundamental principles. Secondly, the observance of Armed Conflict Law in peacekeeping operations is different from that in belligerency, so it's necessary to make proper rules for peacekeeping operation in accordance with its particularity.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute