本文以分析网络著作权保护的司法态势为切入口 ,从研究中国知识产权保护的现状出发 ,在论证“邻接权吞并著作权”倾向的基点上 ,探讨了我国现行著作权法对网络知识产权保护的局限 ,最后通过对美国及我国香港知识产权保护的比较研究 ,提出我国网络知识产权保护的意见及建议。
This paper probes into China's present copyright law in the limitation of protection in intellectual property rights in network on the basis of proving the trend of 'copyright annexed by neighboring right' through analyzing the judicial situation of copyright protection in network from studying the present situation of protection of China's intellectual property rights. In the end, the paper brings out some opinions and suggestions on protecting China's intellectual property rights by comparing the protecting of intellectual property rights of the U.S with what is doing to protect the property rights in Hongkong.
Modern Law Science