In this paper we shall investigate the bound of starlikeness r for the classS(α, n) in [1]. We obtain the following sharp result:where α_0 is the unique solution of the equationα[1+(1-2α)r^(2n)]/1-r^(2n)={1-(1-2α)r^n/1+r^n}~2with respect to α in the open interval (0, 1). This result is also the extension of somewell-known ones in [2], [3, Theorem 1] and [4, Theorem 2]
In this paper we shall investigate the bound of starlikeness r for the classS(α, n) in [1]. We obtain the following sharp result:where α_0 is the unique solution of the equationα[1+(1-2α)r^(2n)]/1-r^(2n)={1-(1-2α)r^n/1+r^n}~2with respect to α in the open interval (0, 1). This result is also the extension of somewell-known ones in [2], [3, Theorem 1] and [4, Theorem 2]