计算机网络信息安全问题产生的缘由主要包括 :计算机病毒与计算机黑客的攻击 ;国际互联网络本身存在缺陷 ,网络管理体制不健全 ;计算机领域的“霸权主义”。计算机网络信息安全重要意义在于国家掌握“制网权” ,占领未来世界的“制高点” ,维护国家安全。我国计算机网络信息安全面临的威胁与挑战主要有 :计算机软件存在漏洞或“后门” ;计算机领域高尖人才缺乏 ;计算机产业发展相对落后 ;信息安全法规不健全。解决问题的对策主要包括 :从战略高度认识网络信息安全问题 ;重视对网络信息安全技术的研究与开发 ,加强对计算机病毒和黑客攻击的有效防范 ;借鉴他国经验 ,完善与网络信息安全有关的法律法规体系 ;努力培养更多信息安全领域的技术管理人才 ;积极参与计算机网络信息安全的国际合作 。
The problems concerning the information security in the computer network mainly include the attack of the computer virus and the computer “Hacker”, the flaw in the Internet itself; the imperfect system of the network management and the “hegemonism” in the computer field. In order to ensure the information security in the computer network, its of great significance for a country to have the “network authority” and to occupy the future world's “commanding point”. Effective measures must also be taken to deal with the problems. For example, we should see the problems from a higher strategic degree; attach more importance to the study and development of technologies; take strict precautions against the attack of the virus and “Hacker”; perfect legal provisions by learning from other countries; train more technological management personels, take an active part in international co-operations and build up an international system with global information security.
Journal of Jiangnan Social University
Computer Network
Information Security