不能犯的认定过程就是危险的破译过程 ,而危险说之主观的未遂论和客观的未遂论 ,分别只就某个片面来看待危险 ,客观的未遂论又从片面之片面展开分析 ,把行为的危险和作为结果的危险之一个问题的两个方面对立起来 ,未能统一地、总体地对待各部分的危险性 ,以至于各说均不同程度地面临顾此失彼的选择困境 ,因而不能得出共识的结论。本文紧紧围绕行为的性质这个核心问题 ,归纳了不能犯认定上的“八字法” ,即“质量、有无、是否、真假”。对于手段不能的情况 ,采取“质量判断法” ,即看行为人所采用的手段与未能达成的危害结果之间 ,是属性不妥还是数量不够 ,前者是不能犯 ,后者则为未遂犯 ;对于客体不能的情况 ,采取“有无判断法” ,即看行为人所指向的客体是否存在 ,不存在是不能犯 ,存在则是未遂犯 ;对于主体不能的情况 ,采取“是否判断法” ,即看行为人是否具备刑法所规定的意图之罪的主体资格 ,不具备的是不能犯 ,具备的则是未遂犯 ;对于状况不能的情况 ,采取“真假判断法” ,即看行为人实施行为时 ,刑法所规定的构成该罪的特定情景状态是否真实 ,不真实的是不能犯 ,真实的则是未遂犯。
The process in recognizing incapability in committing-crime is a process of excluding dangers. Danger theory, with subjective and objective with-intention but not- realized- crime, only look at danger from one side. Particularly the latter is especially one-side view in analyzing action danger as one of result danger and failure to see the dangers in balance and completely. This article grasping the character of acts as the core issue, outlines the eight words methods for recognizing incapability crime, that is, quality, there is or there is not, be or not to be, true or false. Quality methods applies to measure incapability, actor's measure and its unrealized result are due to mis- character, which being incapability crime, or under-measured, which being unrealized crime. There is or is not method applies to objective incapability, finding there is or is not the object which the criminal targets and deciding unrealized crime for 'is' and incapability for 'is not'. Be or not to be method applies to subject incapability, finding whether the actor is qualified as person of mens rea as criminal law provides, unrealized crime for the qualified and incapability for the unqualified. True or false method applies to circumstance incapability, finding the circumstances in which the actor acting is true or false as criminal law provides, false for incapability and true for unrealized.
Law and Social Development