章开沅主编的《中国近代史上的官绅商学》的突出特点,在于摆脱了西方研究理论 的束缚,选取活跃于当时历史舞台上的几个重要社会群体,着重分析它们在近代的交错流变 以及它们与社会变迁之间的互动关系,以窥视特定历史时期内社会转型的特征。故该书不论 是在学术价值、理论建树方面,还是为现实提供借鉴方面,都不失为一部佳作。
The book entitled The Officials,Girdles,Businessmen and Scholars in Ch inese modern history,with professor Zhang Kaiyuan as the chief-editor,is chara ct erized by its free from the boundary of western research theory.By selecting sev eral important social groups which took active parts in the history,the book foc uses on analyzing the intersection of the social groups and the mutual influence between them and the social changes in order to have a glimpse of the features of the transform of the society in specific historical periods.This book is a ma sterpiece in terms of its academic value,theory attainments.It also serves as a pragmatic material that the reality can learn from.
Journal of Historical Science