苏联犹太移民问题是苏联历史和政治、经济发展的产物。由于受多种因素的影响 ,苏联对犹太移民的意愿采取限制性的政策,由此产生了苏联政治生活中移民申请被拒绝者 这一特殊的政治群体,他们以移居苏联国外为其主要的政治目标。苏联犹太人的移民意愿及 移民申请被拒绝者的活动引起西方社会尤其是美国的关注,并在一段时期内成为影响美苏经 济贸易关系的一项重要因素。戈尔巴乔夫实行的改革开放政策在一定程度上缓解了这一问题 ,此后苏联的解体使这一问题的性质和重要性均有所转变。
Jewish Immigrant Problem was the result of the political,economic and historical development in the USSR; Soviet government's restrictive policies to Jewish immigration led to the emergence of a new,special political gr oup-the Refuseniks, which set the aim of their activities at emigrating abroad ; the emigrating will and the activities of the Refuseniks attracted the attention of the West,especially Americans,and became an important factor influencing the economic and trade relations between the USA and the USSR;In a certain degree, Gorbachev's Perestroika alleviated the problem, while the disintegration of the USSR changed both the nature and the importance of the problem.
Journal of Historical Science