我国船舶交通管制系统正在向内河发展。作为基本的监视设备。雷达及其数据处理系统面对着狭窄水道与拥挤交通的挑战。在内河条件下,雷达数据处理在其工作的3个主要方面会有困难:录取、跟踪与交通形势估计。现场试验清楚地表明了这一点。本文在测试结果的基础上分析了引起困难的诸因素。这些因素仅靠修改运动模型或自适应控制滤波器参数等方法是不易克服的。因此作者建议引入下述设计概念: 1.“双分辨率录取”。此设计可以在多个目标靠近时录取感兴趣的目标。 2.要充分利用雷达回波和环境条件信息,利用模式识别方法。这些信息可以减少航迹关联及交接的失误概率,从而改善跟踪性能。 3.在交通形势分析中利用专家的经验而不只是CPA,TCPA等参数,这可更好地预测交通形势的演进。应用上述概念设计的雷达数据处理可以在内河交管中起重要作用。
VTS is going into inland waterways in China. Radar, with data processing systems (RDP), as a basic monitoring facility, are facing the challenge of narrow waterways and congestion of traffic. This paper, on the basis of test results, analyses the factors causing the problems, which are not easy to solve with merely algorithm improvement of filters, such as modification of dynamic models and adaptive control of parameters, etc. therefore the author suggests the new design concept as follows: (1) 'Double resolution acquisition'. With this design one can acquire an interesting target even if several targets are situated closely. (2) full utilization of environment condition information as well as radar echo information. By means of pattern recognition, this information helps decrease the error probability of track association and handover, hence the improvement of tracking will be achieved. (3) Making use of experts' experience (not simply CPA, TCPA, etc.) in assessment of traffic situation. With this method we can better anticipate the development of traffic situation. The conclusion of the paper is: With above mentioned design in addition to the improvement of modeling in a filter. RDP will play its role in inland water VTS.
inland water vessel traffic services
radar data processing
double resolution acquisition
radar target tracking
traffic sitnation assessment