成段表达能力是口头表达能力的一项重要技能 ,也是口语教学训练的目标之一。那么 ,在初级阶段口语教学中 ,是否应从一开始就把成段表达能力的训练纳入教学环节 ?训练的“量”该如何掌握 ?本文着重探讨了初级阶段口语教学成段表达训练的必要性和可行性 ,并对其训练方法作了具体的阐述 ,认为成段表达能力的训练贯穿于语言交际能力训练的全过程 。
The ability of expression by paragraph is one important skill of oral expression, and one of the purposes of spoken language teaching training. The following questions should be noticed: Whether the ability training of expression by paragraph should be put into the teaching processes at the beginning of the primary stage of spoken language teaching? How to control the 'amount' of training? This paper mainly discusses the necessity and possibility of the expression by paragraph training in the primary stage of spoken language teaching. Its training method is also discussed. It suggests that the ability training of expression by paragraph take place in the primary stage and throughout the whole training process of language communication ability.
Applied Linguistics