本文从公文是表达组织意图的工具出发 ,论述了公文要表达组织确定的功利追求 ,语言运用必须表义单一、客观、规范 ;公文要统一对功利目标的群体认识和行为 ,语言运用必须准确、简明、庄重 ;公文要表达多种功利需要 ,语言运用必须符合文种特征。通过三方面论述 ,强调公文语言运用 。
Based on the idea that office paper is instrumental in expressing the organizational intentions, this thesis describes that if office paper is to express the demands of utility established by the organization involved, the use of language must be unambiguous, objective, and formal, that if office paper is to unite group perception and group behavior towards the aims of utility, the use of language must be precise, concise, and solemn, and that if office paper is to express multiple demands of utility, the use of language must be in accordance with the character of the writing pattern. With the explanation of those three aspects, the thesis emphasizes that the use of language in office paper must be in favor of the actual expressing effect and the organization's benefits.
Applied Linguistics