Based on the analysis and processing on relative empirical formula and data, C-values in Larson-Miller (P) expression, P= T(C + Igt), have determined for pearlitic heat resistant steel 12Cr1MoV and 15CrMo(20.62 and 20.30). The simulation experiments of high temperature aging, heated from 1.5 to 873 hours, have been designed and performed for its verification. And in combination with published information and the present nearly quantitative works, it has further been verified that both the degradations of microstructures and mechanical properties show a good accuracy and practicability using the Larson-Miller parameter with the present determined C-values. Finally, the effects of carbon content on C-value are analyzed by the empirical electron theory of solids and molecules (EET).
Based on the analysis and processing on relative empirical formula and data, C-values in Larson-Miller (P) expression, P= T(C + Igt), have determined for pearlitic heat resistant steel 12Cr1MoV and 15CrMo(20.62 and 20.30). The simulation experiments of high temperature aging, heated from 1.5 to 873 hours, have been designed and performed for its verification. And in combination with published information and the present nearly quantitative works, it has further been verified that both the degradations of microstructures and mechanical properties show a good accuracy and practicability using the Larson-Miller parameter with the present determined C-values. Finally, the effects of carbon content on C-value are analyzed by the empirical electron theory of solids and molecules (EET).