
人皮肤和猴食道上皮用于间接免疫荧光检测天疱疮抗体的比较 被引量:1

Comparison of the sensitivity between human skin (HS) and monkey oesophagus (MO) in detection of pemphigus vulgaris antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence.
摘要 目的 : 比较人皮肤 (HS)和猴食道上皮 (MO)用于检测天疱疮抗体的差异及不同底物检测的抗体滴度与疾病严重度的相关性。方法 : 采用HS和MO为底物分别检测天疱疮患者血清中抗体。结果 :以HS和MO为底物检测天疱疮患者血清抗体的阳性率分别为 73.5 %和 87.8% ,而联合两种底物检测的阳性率为 93.9%。两种底物检测PV抗体滴度与疾病严重度均有相关性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而PF仅以HS为底物时的抗体滴度与疾病严重度密切相关 (P <0 .0 0 1)。结论 : MO适于检测PV ,HS适于检测PF ,两种底物联合可提高间接免疫荧光 (IIF)的敏感性。 Objective:To compare the difference of sensitivity between human skin (HS) and monkey oesophagus (MO) used as substrates in detection of pemphigus vulgaris antibody and the relationship between the antibody titers and the disease activity. Methods: Antibody titers were detected by HS and MO substrates respectively. Results:Thirty-six cases (73.5%) and 43 cases (85.7%) were positive by HS and MO substrates respectively, while 46 cases (93.9%) were positive by the two substrates. Antibody titers showed positive correlation with disease activity by two substrates in pemphigus vulgaris (P<0.05), and by HS in pemphigus foliaceus (P<0.001). Conclusion:MO is more sensitive for the serological diagnosis of PV, whereas HS is more sensitive for the detection of PF. The combination of the two substrates may increase the sensitivity of indirect immunofluorescence in diagnosis of pemphgus. The different substrates will influence the correlation of antibody titers and the disease activity.
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 北大核心 2004年第4期326-327,共2页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
关键词 人皮肤 猴食道上皮 间接免疫荧光 检测 天疱疮 抗体 indirect immunofluorescence assay substrate pemphigus antibody
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