目的 探讨小儿大网膜囊肿和肠系膜囊肿引发急腹症的诊治特点。方法回顾性分析大网膜囊肿和肠系膜囊肿引发急腹症患儿共12例。结果12例中,10例囊肿破裂造成腹膜炎,2例大网膜囊肿导致肠梗阻。全部经手术治疗,预后良好。结论大网膜囊肿和肠系膜囊肿引发急腹症多因外伤造成囊肿破裂,引发腹膜炎或肠系膜囊肿突然增大压迫肠腔、囊液外渗导致肠梗阻和腹膜炎。此类患儿应早期诊断,及时手术治疗。
Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and management of acute abdomen caused by omental and mesenteric cysts in children. Methods 12 patients with acute abdomen resulted from mesenteric and omental cysts were analysed retrospectively. Results Of them , the cysts rupture resulted in peritonitis in 10 cases, and omental cysts leading to intestinal obstruction in 2 cases. All the patients were operated and had a satisfactory outcome. Conclusions The common cause of acute abdomen resulted from mesenteric and omental cysts is traumatic rupture or abrupt enlargement of cysts. These patients should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery