
母亲孕产期并发症与子代精神分裂症的关系 被引量:3

Logistic analysis for obstetric complications of schizophrenia
摘要 目的 探讨母亲孕产期并发症与子代精神分裂症的关系。方法 病例对照研究,单因素、多因素分析,并计算相对危险度和95%的可信限。结果 单因素分析显示,孕期并发症(OR=4.63,95%CI=1.27~20.66)、产期并发症(OR=3.29,95%CI=1.06~11.29)达到统计学意义。性别分层分析,男性患者的产科并发症发生率明显高于对照组。多因素分析,孕期营养差、孕期并发症与精神分裂症有密切的关系,OR(95%CI)分别为3.98(1.13~14.07)、4.93(1.44~16.86)。结论 精神分裂症的发生与孕产期环境因素密切相关,孕期、产期损伤者为精神分裂症的高危人群. Objectives: To investigate the relation between obstetric complications and schizophrenia. Method: A case-control study was conducted to analyze the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval for the history of obstetric complications. Results: Univariate analyses showed that two risk factors, complications of pregnancy (OR = 4. 63, 95%CI = 1. 27-20. 66) and complicatons of delivery (OR = 3. 29, 95%CI = 1. 06-11. 29) had statistical significance. Rates of complications of delivery in male schizophrenia patients were higher than that in controls. Multivariate analyses showed that schizophrenia was positively associated with poor nutrition of pregnancy (OR = 3. 98, 95%CI=1. 13-14. 07) and complications of pregnancy (OR = 4. 93, 95%CI=1. 44-16. 86). Conclusion: Schizophrenia was positively associated with environmental factors of pregnancy and delivery. Schizophrenic patients who had injuries during pregnancy and delivery are high-risk population.
出处 《上海精神医学》 北大核心 2002年第3期138-140,共3页 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry
关键词 孕产期 孕妇 并发症 子代 精神分裂症 LOGISTIC回归分析 Schizophrenia Case-control study Obstetric complications Logistic analysis
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