The synaptic relationship and ultrastructure of corticothalamic projection neurons in the cortex area SI of the cat were observed under the electron microscope.The results were as follows:The ultrastructural features of corticothalamic projection neurons were characterized by a relatively large nucleus,the nuclear membrane with distinct invagination,the nucleoplasm containing an oval hucleus and a large amount of euchromatin,the cytoplasm containing a large amount of ribosomes,the rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum,the mitochrodria and Golgi apparatus.The labelled corticothalamic projection neurons formed synaptic connections with axon and dendrite terminals.In the somatosensory cortical area I three types of synapses were observed:(1) the axodendritic synapses formed by axonal terminals and HRP labelled dendrites:(2) the axosomatic synapses formed by axonal terminals and HRP labelled neurons;(3) the dendritic-somatic synapses formed by unlabelled dentrites and labelled neurons.These results showed that the corticothalamic projection neurons received the connections of afferent and intercotic fibers.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy