The method to enhance the precis io n of a grey model GM (1, 1) for predicting the development of vibration severity of a pump is investigated. The rectifying procedures involve the structure and the parameters regarding GM(1,1). A new model based on GM(1, 1), which is GM (E,1,1), is proposed. In GM(E,1,1), the distribution of relative errors rati os between the original series and predicting series obtained by the mean of GM( 1,1) are considered in special points to set up the threshold and adjusting coef ficients to control the modified action and the rectified amount based on distri bution of the original series. The case shows that GM(E, 1, 1) is good at predic ting the vibration severity development of the pump.
The method to enhance the precis io n of a grey model GM (1, 1) for predicting the development of vibration severity of a pump is investigated. The rectifying procedures involve the structure and the parameters regarding GM(1,1). A new model based on GM(1, 1), which is GM (E,1,1), is proposed. In GM(E,1,1), the distribution of relative errors rati os between the original series and predicting series obtained by the mean of GM( 1,1) are considered in special points to set up the threshold and adjusting coef ficients to control the modified action and the rectified amount based on distri bution of the original series. The case shows that GM(E, 1, 1) is good at predic ting the vibration severity development of the pump.
ThispaperissupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaunderGrantNo .5 0 335 0 30 .