研究了在空气和含NO2 气氛中不同温度下对GF/Cu皮芯复合导电纤维材料加速老化 ,力学性能、电学性能的影响 ,以及空气中高低温冲击导致其力学性能变化的规律。给出了导电纤维材料在不同环境中的氧化动力学曲线并分别计算了氧化激活能 ,推算出室温 (2 5℃ )条件下不同气氛中的储存氧化半衰期分别为 :1 3 5 5年 (空气气氛 )、2 1 6 2 9天 (氧化性气氛NO2 :空气 =1 :1 )和 374 75天 (氧化性气氛NO2 :空气 =1 :2 ) .
The mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of conductive fiber of a copper coated glass fiber GF/Cu were measured after accelerated aging at different temperatures in air and nitrogen dioxide containing atmosphers respectively.The changes of mechanical properties were also examined after cyclic aging in air for certain cycles.Then their oxidation kinetics were given respectively in various atmospheres.In the meanwhile,the possible storage period in terms of half-lifetime due to ageing at 25℃ in differend atmospheres was calculated as follows: 13 55 years in air,216 29 days in an oxidizing atmosphere (nitrogen dioxide∶air=1∶1) and 374 75 days in oxidizing atmosphere (nitrogen dioxide∶air=1∶2)
Corrosion Science and Protection Technology