全球化进程中国家边界的模糊与地方力量的加强 ,以及经济自由、社会福利国家与民主制度之历史联盟的进一步瓦解 ,构成了国家的新处境。国家的新处境扩展了国家理论的研究领域 ,使之不再局限于国家与市场的关系 ,而总是围绕着国家与社会的关系以及治理等问题展开。在新历史条件下 ,国家既要寻求一种发展公私伙伴关系和合作性自助的新途径 ,又要进行社会福利改革 ;在多层治理结构中积极创新国家主权和国家自主性的形式 ,加强合作机制以解决大量跨边界的协调和控制问题 ;在全球治理与地方治理之间取得平衡 ,既体现差异性又重视互补性 ,实现全球、国家与地方之间的共生联动 ,构建一个完整的治理体系。
Globalization has placed states in a totally new situation, as national borders weaken, local power increases, and the historical alliance of the free economy, the welfare state and democracy further collapses. This new situation expands the theory of the state beyond state-market relations focused solely on the relations between state and society and governance. In a changing situation, states must seek new ways of developing partnership between public and private sectors and self-reliance through cooperation while carrying out social welfares reforms. They must actively create new forms of national sovereignty and autonomy in a framework of multi-level governance, and reinforce cooperation mechanisms for cross-border coordination and control. Balance must be found between global and local governance for mutual complementarity, without denying diversity. When co-existence and interaction are built up at all levels, there will be a fully developed system of governance.
Social Sciences in China