介绍一种用于铁矿直接还原的台车连续炉 ,含碳球团料层铺在台车上并通过炉膛进行焙烧和还原。此炉子已经成功地用于铁精矿粉还原焙烧 ,所得到的海绵铁产品的金属化率大于 92 % ,全铁约 90 %。和转底炉比较 ,台车连续炉的优点是结构简单 ,供热点少 ,台车维修方便 ;主要缺点是台车运转速度不能太快 。
The paper introduces a continuous car type furnace for direct reduction of iron ore.Coal-containing iron ore pellets are laid on cars and carried to pass through furnace to be heated and reduced.Continuous car type furnace was used in iron ore reduction successfully.The contents of with rotary hearth furnace are as more than 92% metallization and about 90% total iron.Comparing with rotary hearth furnace,continuous car type furnace has simpler construction,less burner and easier maintenance but has longer heating time.
Energy For Metallurgical Industry