
大学生择业控制点的结构及现状分析 被引量:8

College Students' Career Decision-Making Locus of Control: The Structure and Actuality
摘要 尝试建立择业控制点的内部-外部两维结构,并以此为基础了解当代大学生择业控制点现状。被试为石家庄的507名理工科大学生。验证性因素分析结果表明,择业两维控制点模型的数据拟合达到优良水平,提示内部、外部控制点可能不是一个连续体的两极;此外,择业控制点6个测量指标(其中专业能力、个人努力和选择能力为内部指标;专业运气、关系依赖和性别依赖为外部指标)的数据结果显示,高校学生的择业普遍存在外控特点,提醒高校应当对学生及早进行职业指导,强化学生对自身择业的责任感。 Tried to develop a career decision-making locus of control internal-external double-dimensional questionnaire, then provided a description of the undergraduates' actuality. Ss were 507 from two science and technology colleges in Shijiazhuang. First, the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model with double-dimensionality was an excellent match to the data and implied that the internal and external control might be relatively independent rather than opposite end of a single continuum. Then, the six indictors of the career decision-making locus of control (the six indicators are sexual dependence, relational dependence, major luck, major ability, personal effort, decision-making ability) showed that the subjects tended to be externality and teachers should help them to be responsible for their own business.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期32-36,共5页 Psychological Development and Education
关键词 大学生 择业控制点 结构 现状 测量指标 多因素方差分析 评价方法 undergraduate Career Decision-Making Locus of Control
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