With “World Heritage” the gold-lettered signboard,Wulingyuan welcomes millions of visitors every year, makingthe outlying and traffic obstructed mountainous area in north-west Hunan province becoming a well-known tourism spot.Tourists from all over the world endow it many titles like“Original of Chinese Landscape Painting”,“Invaluable Geo-graphic Monument”, “Enlarged Miniascape and ShrunkImmortal Mountain”. “Water in Jiuzhai Valley and Mountainof Zhangjiajie ---graceful scenery worth visiting” has becomea popular saying in China’s tourism circle. Owing to itspredominance, tourism develops of Zhangjiajie takes onstrong “backward advantage”. More and more hotels, res-taurants and big or small stores emerge, like the bambooshoots after a spring rain. Vast engineering construction isnibbling and damaging the beautiful natural environment atan astonishing speed.