1Edward D. Mansfeld and Helen V. Milner, "The New Wave of Regionalism", International Organization, Summer 1999, pp.589-627.
2Requel Fernandez, "Return to Regionalism: An Evaluation of Non - Traditional Gains from Regional Trade Agreement", World Bank Working Paper,No.1816, August 1997, p.4.
3Stephan Haggard, "Political Economy of Regionalism in Asia and the Americas," in Edward D. Mansfield and V. Milner (eds.), Political Economy of Regionalism, Columbia University Press, New York, 1997,p.35.
4Alferd E. Eckes, U. S Trade Policy: History, Theory and The WTO, M.E. Sharpe, 1998, p.95.
5Robert Zoellick, "Globalization, Trade and Economic Security",Remarks at the National Press Club, October 1, 2002.