

The current situation and development counterpolicies of China inland's economy
摘要 作者认为,近10多年来,内陆地区的经济发展大大滞后于沿海地区,差距进一步扩大,其主要原因:一是国家对内地投资大幅度减少,资金投入过度向沿海倾斜;二是对外开放政策向沿海倾斜,内地得益较少;三是内陆农业资源、矿产资源开发度低,比价不合理,与沿海地区处于非等价交换关系;四是沿海地区非公有制经济发展迅速,内陆地区发展缓慢,活力不足;五是沿海地区开放度大,现代文明程度高,政府官员、企业家、居民阶层,市场经济观念强、价值观更富敢闯敢冒的进取精神。要缩小内陆与沿海的差距,促进内陆经济发展,必须从如下八个方面着手:一是按照“统筹规划、合理分工、优势互补、协调发展”的原则把全国布局与地区特色和产业倾斜与地区倾斜结合起来;二是加强内地的基础建设,特别是交通通讯建设,为打破封闭创造物质条件;三是大大加快内陆地区第一次产业和乡镇企业的发展;四是大力推进内陆地区所有制结构的多元化,加快非公有制经济的发展步伐;五是采取适合内陆特点的措施,扩大对外开放;六是坚持计划生育,加快内陆地区劳动力转移的步伐;七是坚持不懈地开展扶贫工作,改变内陆老、少、边、穷地区的落后面貌;八是大力发展社会主义市场经济。 The author thinks that, in the past more than 10 years, the inland areas' economic develop ment has severely lagged behind the coastal regions' one and the gap between them has been widen ing further。Its main causes are as follows: the first is that the central government has been invest ing toward the coastal areas undue sloping and cut the inland's investment greatly; the second is that the opening—up polcies are more preferiential for coastal areas and inland provinces benefit from it less; the third is that the exploiting degree of inland's agricultural and mineral resources is very low, their comparative prices are irrational and their exchanges for coastal areas' products are not equivalent; the fourth is that inland's economy lacks vigour because of its unpublic eco nomic development slower than coastal areas'; the fifth is that coastal provinces are morc open and more civilization than inland ones are。Therfore, market economic concepts of the governmental officials, enterprisers and resident class in coastal areas are more dense, and the value concepts made them bolder and more forginq ahead than inland ones are。We must adopt 8 aspects mea sures to narrow the gap between inland and coastal's economy and promote inland economic devel opment。According to the principles of overall planning, rational division, mutual—supplemen tary advantages and coordinating development, combine our whole country's lay out and regional characteristics with industrial and regional slope and so on。
作者 林凌
出处 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第3期4-12,共9页 Reform of Economic System
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