经济落后国家在建设社会主义过程中 ,利用资本主义制度所创造的一切积极成果 ,发展社会主义生产力 ,是马克思主义的一条重要原理。刘少奇在新中国成立前后和后来的社会主义建设实践中 ,深刻阐述了在人民民主专政条件下 ,资本主义发展对中国社会生产力发展的作用。
It is an important principal of Marxism to make use of the positive results of capitalism to develop socialist productive forces in the course of socialist construction in the backward countries. Liu Shaoqi had made comprehensive expositions on the issues of the developing capitalism in the productivity of China under the dictatorship of the people’s democracy before and after the PRC founded. The thoughts of Liu Shaoqi’s studying and utilization of capitalism gives us inspiration to perfect and develop our socialist market economy.
Journal of Dalian Maritime University(Social Science Edition)