基于作者所能搜集到的有关桩筏基础实测和试验资料 ,对桩筏基础的一些工作性状进行了分析和讨论。主要包括 :筏板底土体分担的荷载作用、“外密内疏”和“外疏内密”布桩法、带裙房桩筏基础的处理、筏板下块状整体及桩上部负摩阻力、桩筏基础沉降及其桩尖下土体的变形特性、疏桩桩筏基础在高层建筑中的推广应用等。
The paper has a study on properties of pile raft foundation for high buildings based on test. These properties include: loading function of soil body under raft plate;“dense outside and disperse inside”or 'otherwise' pile distribution method ; negative resistance of soil block under raft plate and at top pile; settlement of pile raft foundation and deformation characteristics of soil mass under pile end;and application of dispersed pile raft foundation for high buildings.
Site Investigation Science and Technology
安徽省自然科学基金项目 ( 0 10 45 40 9)