
新政治经济学价值及其适用于中国的原因 被引量:1

The Value of New Economy and the Cause of Its Suitability to China
摘要 由于排斥政治因素的新古典经济学已无法解释许多经济行为和现象,加上当前世界范围内普遍存在的政府干预经济,新政治经济学成为经济学关于“政治与经济”、“国家(政府)与市场”之间关系研究的新阶段。引入政治因素、制度因素和实证主义构成其基本理论价值。而实践证明,任何一种试图在宏观上对中国经济转型进行经济学解释的分析框架,它要么将政府作为一个不可或缺的考察变量,要么就将政府行为本身作为其分析框架。因此,作为这种研究取向的理论范式,新政治经济学为解释中国经济转型提供了一个有意义的视角。 Since the new classical economy which rejects political factors could no longer explain much economical behaviors and phenomena, and plus there exists universally at present in the world that governments interfere economy, the new political economics has become a new stage of economics in the studies of the relationship between 'politics and economy' and 'state (government) and market. ' The value of its basic theory is constituted by combining political factor, institutional factor and positivism. But the practice proves that any kind of analytical framework trying to explain economically on the macro-perspective the Chinese economical transition is either taking government as a necessary variable for examination, or taking governmental behavior itself as an analytical framework. Therefore, as the theoretical pattern is in such a research dimension, new political economics provides a meaningful point-of-view for explaining the economical transition in China.
作者 戴敏敏
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第10期73-78,共6页 Academic Monthly
关键词 新政治经济学 实证主义 中国 政府职能 市场经济体制 new political economics, economical transition in China
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