从FDI理论、效果、政策等方面分析我国“以市场换技术”的引资战略未达到预期效果的原因。随着加入WTO 5年过渡期的结束 ,我国的引资战略必须向提高外资关联度 ,提高产业竞争力方面改进。提高产业关联度必须从加强政府服务功能、提高企业技术能力等几个方面进行。
Our “Getting technology by market” strategy hasn't gotten its expected effect. The reasons could be analyzed from the theory of FDI, the results and the policies of absorbing foreign investments, etc. With the five-year interim coming to an end after our joining in the WTO, our strategy about absorbing foreign investments must turn to improve the correlation of the foreign investments and the industrial competency. When doing these, we must reinforce government's services and improve the companies' technical ability.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics