灌胃给予10g/kg 黄芪毛状根水煎液,每日1次,连续7~12天,可使环磷酰胺(CY)造成的免疫功能低下模型小鼠的胸腺、脾脏重量增加,吞噬细胞的吞噬指数提高,同时促进其溶血素抗体形成,提高其淋巴细胞转化率。实验表明,黄芪毛状根有免疫增强作用,其作用效价基本上与药用黄芪类似。
The oral administation of 10g/kg hairy root of Huangqi decoction once a day for 7-12 days could increase the weight of the thymus and spleen, promote the clearance of charcoal particles,facilitate the serum hemolysin production and enhance the PHA-induced lymphocytic transformation in model mice with immunosuppression induced by cyclopho- sphamidum.The experiment identified that hairy root of Huanghqi exerted a similar immunopromotive effect when compared with Huangqi.