近年来 ,国内一些起重机厂家开发了性能优化的轻量系列吊车产品 ,其轮压值及小车重量较旧有系列吊车显著减轻 ,当钢结构厂房应用此类吊车时 ,可较大幅度的降低吊车梁与刚架的用钢量。本文介绍了按新旧系列不同参数计算吊车梁及门式刚架用钢量的结果比较及量化的规律分析 。
In recent years,a series of light weight cranes have been used with better performance.By using these new cranes,the steel consumption of crane girders and portal frames can be decreased quite a lot.This paper introduces a detailed calculation and comparison on steel comsumption caused by various cranes. Finally some conlusions and suggestions are presented for optimum design.
Progress in Steel Building Structures