

Evaluating on ecological footprint of person ground eco-system in southwest area of Hunan
摘要 湘西南山区是湖南省社会经济相对落后的区域 ,山区人地生态系统复杂而又具特殊性 ,在总结目前城步苗族自治县人地生态与经济发展现状的基础上 ,运用衡量可持续发展的新指标 ,即生态足迹理论方法对该县 2 0 0 0年的生态足迹进行了分析评价 ,发现该县经济发展规模在其所提供的生态承载力范围内 ,但生产性生态土地生产力水平低 ,因而对该县实现人地生态系统可持续发展的模式做了初步探讨。 The development level of southwest area of Hunan is lagged behind, comparatively. Its person ground eco-system is more complex and especial. The paper evaluated the sustainable development status of Chengbu, which used the theory of ecological footprint. As well as draw a conclusion that its ecological footprint demand did not beyond its ecological capacity. Some suggests were provided to develop the regional economy.
作者 肖化顺 张贵
机构地区 中南林学院
出处 《湖南林业科技》 2004年第5期13-15,34,共4页 Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
基金 由"十五"国家科技推广项目 (2 0 0 1天保 5号 )资助
关键词 湘西南山区 人地生态系统 生态足迹 生产力 person ground eco-system ecological footprint evaluation Chengbu Autonomous County
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