城市环境最根本的特征在于满足人的物质和精神的需要。随着生活水平的提高 ,人们越来越注重城市公共开放空间的精神功能。广场作为城市公共开放空间的主要内容之一 ,不仅是城市公共生活发生的主要场所 ,还是表达城市文脉和城市精神的主要场所。从意义的角度出发 ,探讨广场环境的特征 ,在分析形式、意象、意蕴等不同层面在广场环境中所发挥作用的基础上 ,提出广场设计的基本原则 ,包括整合。
To meet people's material and spirit needs is the most basic characteristic of u rban environment.With the improvement of the living standard,people more and more pay attention to the spiritual function of the public open space o f city.As one of the main content of public open space,the square is n ot only the place of a public activity of city,but also the main place that expressing the context and spirit of city.This paper study the characteristic of the squa re environment in terms of meaning,on the basis of analyzing the meaning of squ are environment,the basic principle of square design is proposed.The basic pr inciple include combining,merging natural and historical regeneration.
陕西省 2 0 0 3年软科学研究计划项目 (2 0 0 3 KR3 6)