刑事证据展示制度作为一项全新的刑诉制度是诉讼公正和效率的关键保证。我国修订后的刑诉法没有确立真正意义上的证据展示制度 ,导致在审判中出现诸多问题。论述了刑事证据展示制度的概念、来源以及建立该制度的重要意义 ,并且结合我国的审判实践 。
the evidence display in court is crucial in crimin al complaints. The revised criminal code of China doesn't mention the rule of the evidence display in court which result in many problems in criminal adjudication . This paper expounds the concepts, origin and significance of applying this rul e and put forward some ideas of establishing this rule with Chinese characterist ics.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy