在改革开放的过程中 ,我们一定要“走一步 ,看一步” ,坚持在实践中不断“摸索” ,不断“总结经验” ,在摸索中前进。这是邓小平同志曾多次强调的 ,这一改革实践观已经指导我们顺利实现了社会主义现代化建设“三步走”战略的前两步 ,也必将指导我们在全面建设社会的基础上实现社会主义现代化。
in the course of our reform,we should insist on feeling our way forward in darkness and incessantly reflect the pass. The view of practise had been repeated by Deng Xiaopin for many times and has successfully guided us to the fufilling of 'three steps' strategy and will lead us to the realization of socialistic modernization
Journal of Sichuan College of Education