通过采用接枝聚合工艺将甲基丙烯酸甲酯接枝到丙烯酸乳液的分子中,研制出一种新型的丙烯酸乳液可剥离压敏胶,用透射电镜和示差扫描量热仪对其进行了分析。实验结果表明:接枝聚合物的乳胶粒呈雪人型,而未接枝的、共混的丙烯酸乳液粒子呈圆形。接枝聚合物的玻璃化温度与未接枝、共混的丙烯酸乳液不相同。在主配方基本不变的条件下,通过调节接枝甲基丙烯酸甲酯的用量,可得到性能良好的乳液型可剥离压敏胶。当丙烯酸用量为4%,引发剂用量为0 4%,丙烯酸-2-羟丙酯用量为2%时,压敏胶性能良好。经过优化配方,合成了满足企业产品质量要求的压敏胶。
A Novel removable emulsion pressure adhesive (PSA) was produced by grafting MMA onto poly(methyl)acrylate molecules in emulsion.From TEM and DSC,it was found that the latex particles of the grafted copolymer looked like snowmen, while those of the non-grafted polymer and blended polymer were round.Tg for the grafted polymer was different from that of the non-grafted and blended polymers.Better performance of removable emulsion PSA could be achieved by adjusting the dose of MMA for grafting as the basal composition was not changed.A satisfactory composition was obtained as following;dose of acrylic acid was 4%,initiator 0.4%,and 2-hydroxypropyl acrylate 2% for the emulsion.
Chemistry and Adhesion