2号高炉框架柱、梁使用钢结构扭剪型高强螺栓副连接。总高 2 5 5 70mm ,采用两段制造 ,直线组装焊接方法 ,保证了直线不直度符合要求 ;采取机械、火焰矫正方法 ,保证悬挑梁与相应框架梁高强螺栓连接端面高度差≤1mm ;用“滚动”预装方法 ,把立体转化为平面组合 ;保证四根立柱间距为正方形 ,对角线差小于 5mm ;立柱与四根横梁所在平面垂直 ;
Manufacturing of No.2 BF is introduced here. The CB is 25570mm High and is divided into two parts, the straight line degree is guaranteed by straight line assembly and welding; the requirement that the meeting place of connected ends of the suspending beams and the corresponding beams is less than 1mm is guaranteed by adopting mechanical and flame correction methods; solid is turned into combination of planes with 'the rolling' pre-assembly method so that the area within the four c9olumns is a square with a maximum 5mm difference of diagonal lines; the columns are vertical to the beams and the CB is linked to the platform easily by high strength screws.
Science & Technology of Baotou Steel