由于职业学校学生语文基础知识和基本能力普遍较差 ,只有增加语文课的趣味性 ,增强课堂教学效果才有可能提高其语文水平。课堂艺术运用得当可以活跃课堂气氛 ,集中学生学习的注意力 ,激发学生的学习兴趣 ,突出教学重点和难点 ,有利于迅速获取反馈信息。
Due to the fact that most of the students are poor at Chinese in vocational schools, it is assumed that the only way to improve their proficiency is to make the class more interesting with the desired effect, so to speak. And the proper use of the arts or skills can help excite the classes, rid the students of their digression, and motivate them to study with moreconcentration.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)