The aim of this study is to construct the transfecting plasmid with the P24 of Toxoplasma gondii (TgP24) knocked out for the development of the foundation forTgP24 gene knockout.According to the genomic sequences of TgP24, 4 oligonucleotides primers (P1 P4) were designed and synthesized to amplify the 5' end 2.5 kb fragment in un translated region (UTR) and the 3' end 2.89 kb fragment of UTR in Tg24. The PCR products were subcloned into pCR2.1 TOPO TA plasmid to generate the recombinant plasmid p24 5' UTR/TA and P24 3' UTR/TA respectively. The purified fragment of P24 5' UTR by the digestion of P24 5' UTR/TA with Kpn1 and Bgl II was inserted into the Kpn I and Bgl II sites of plasmid GRA2/Ble to genrate plasmind GRA2/Ble P24 5' UTR (designated as pGB P5); and the purified P24 3' UTR fragment by the digestion of plasmid P24 3' UTR/TA with BamH I and Not I was inserted into the BamH I and Not I sites of plasmid pGB P5 to generate the targeting plasmid pGB/P5 P3 (pGB P5/P24 3' UTR). Sequence analysis was performed to confirm that no PCR mutation was introduced. Experimental results showed that the targeting plasmid PGB/P5 P3 was constructed by inserting 2.5 and 2.89 kb DNA fragments corresponding to the 5'end and the 3' end UTR of the TgP24 gene into the plasmid GRA2/Ble.The fragment P24 5'UTR was inserted into the poly linker site Kpn I/Bgl II upstream of the bleomycin resistance gene (ble), and the P24 3'UTR frament inserted into BamH I/Not I site down stream of the same gene. Meanwhile,the orientation of the cloned gene fragments was determined by restriction and sequencing analysis.It is concluded that the transfecting plasmid pGB/P5 P3 is successfully constructed in the present study.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses