
《诗经》句尾气词的原始性质──《商周句尾语气词》专论之一 被引量:8

The Primitiveness of the Modal Particles Used at the End of Verses in The Book of Songs
摘要 《诗经》中众多的各类句尾语气词究竟是原诗中固有的,还是被后人所掺入的?本文从“歌的本质是抒情的,句子末尾加语气词是原始诗歌的主要形式”这一基本事实出发,分析了《诗经》、先秦民谣逸诗和《楚辞》利用句尾语气词以构成歌辞的节奏和拖腔的特点,并进一步论证了这种句未带语气词的歌辞形式,是从《诗经》到《楚辞》整个先秦时期诗歌独具的语言特征,而这种特征正是上述原始诗歌主要形式的一种残迹。据此,本文认为:《诗经》中大量句尾语气词是原诗所固有的,所谓“掺入说”是站不住脚的。 Are the various kinds of medal particles used at the end of verses in The Books of Songs exactly intrinsic in the original or added by later generations? From the basic fact that the essence of the ny is lyric and adding modal particles at the end of verses is the main form of the primitive op and songs, this article analyses the charateristics that The Books of Songs, the pre - Qin folk rhymes and lyric poems, and The Songs of the South make use of the modal particles at the end of verses to form the rhythm and lengthened tune of ballads. This article has also made further axpeition and provernent that this kind of ballad form is the original language characteristic of the poetry during the whole pre - Qin days from the creation of The Book of Songs to The Songs of the South, while this characteristis is some kind of remaining sign of the above - mentioned primitive poetry. Accordingly, this article believes that the large number of modal particles used at the end of verses in The Book of Songs are intrinsic,While the so- called theory of admixture (modal particles are added by later generations) is not tenable.
作者 裘燮君
出处 《广西师院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1999年第3期95-101,共7页 Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 江苏省哲学社会科学研究"九五"规划课题!苏规划(九五)09-019 江苏省教委高校人文社科研究基金!96STB40005
关键词 《诗经》 句尾 语气词 原始诗歌 the theory of admixture the main form of the primitive poems and songs the rhythm and lengthened tune of ballads the original language characteristic of the poetry during the whole pre - Qin days
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