在翻译过程中不恰当地采用释义、阐述或增益的方法, 把原文中本来需要读者想象、推导才能领悟的隐含意义明示给读者, 这种明晰化翻译极大地损害了原文的韵味, 实际上是对原文的不信, 使读者无法象读原作那样得到启发、感动和美的感受。翻译中的明晰化倾向主要表现在: 1 、释义明示, 语不尽意;2 、越俎代庖, 添枝加叶; 3 、弃形存义, 化隐为显; 4、附义于形, 画蛇添足; 5 、熟典附义,
Improperly and unnecessarily paraphrasing,explaining or supplementing the implied meaning in the original in translation from English to Chinese is in fact unfaithful to the original.This kind of definition spoils the charm which is intended for the readers to appreciate by using their imagination or inference.As a result,the readers who read the version can not be inspired,touched or affected by the beauty as those who read the original.The improper definition in translation mainly includes:1)misrepresent the author's meaning by paraphrasing incorrectly;2)add unnecessary details to the original;3)define the implied meaning literally instead of figuratively;4)ruin the effect by adding superfluously what is already obvious and;5)explain the idiom or saying that is too familiar to the Chinese readers.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)