宁安市渤海镇实施造田工程时 ,在西安村东取土发现文物 ,1999年进行抢救性发掘 ,出土大量陶器、石器、骨器 ,特别是半地穴式房屋的发现 ,为研究牡丹江流域的原始建筑提供了实物资料。遗址年代分早晚二期 ,早期晚于莺歌岭下层 ,晚期早于东康。
The cultural site was found in 1999 in the process of digging earth for building field in the east Xian village,Bohai,Ningan.Many porcelains、stone and bone wares,especial a half-cave dweller were unearthed here.All These provide materials for studying the original building of Mudanjiang valley.The age of the site belong to different two stages,the early dated to later then the lower stratum of Engeling site and the late may be earlier then Dongkang site.
Northern Cultural Relics