有吉佐和子是日本当代著名女作家。她的文学创作始终直面社会现实 ,就当时人们普遍关注的社会问题 ,诸如种族歧视问题、反战问题、老人问题、公害问题等等 ,进行大胆的揭露和评析。她的社会问题小说具有鲜明的时代特征 ,尤其是社会问题系列小说的开篇《非色》 ,深刻地揭示出种族歧视问题的严重性和世界性 ,被认为是日本当代女性文学的典范。她的作品具有鲜明的民族特色和浓郁的生活气息 ,以及深厚的传统艺术的底蕴 ,充分体现了女性文学特有的艺术风格。
Sawako Ariyoshi is a famous contemporary Japanese au thoress. Her works always face social reality. She makes bold exposure of and co mments on such social problems as racial discrimination, anti-war, the aged, pol lution, etc. Her novels of social problems have their distinct features of times , especially 'Race Prejudice', the first novel in the series of social problems, which deeply exposes the serious and world -wide problems of racial discriminat ion and is regarded as the model of modern Japanese women literature. Her works have distinct national feature and are full of intense atmosphere of life and tr aditional art, and represent the artistic style of women literature.